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For nearly twenty years WATCHITGROW, Inc. has been "reaching out" to help others "reach us". So much has happened in such a short period of time and, as always, we strive to use technology to provide the resources to be  more efficient, more present, and thus, more effective. The rapid expansion of technology has empowered us with a greater means of "helping those who wish to help themselves". Your donations to our cause increase our impact on those we would serve.

 WATCHITGROW, Inc. continues to work within our local community and without as we co-op with others with similar goals. Use the buttons below or use the menu above to observe more of our outreach. As mentioned elsewhere technology has empowered us and has, indeed, shrunken the world in which we live while expanding out outreach. You won't want ti miss our "International" pages as we make further strides to "help those who wish to help themselves". Again, your donations to our cause increase our impact on those we would serve. Click on the buttons below or use the "pull down" menu above get a to visual on one of the international events we  participted in.

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